Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Let's Get This Party Started!

I promised I'd do something exciting over the weekend and write about it yesterday. I actually had work to do yesterday, though, which was nice. As for this past weekend....nothing really exciting happened. I went shopping for warm-weather work clothes. Shopping is always fun. I guess the best thing from the weekend was going to the restaurant where my brother/roommate works. It's actually a microbrewery. Good microbrew there. The food was quite tasty, too. And the people my bro work's with call him Tex. :)

So, if my weekend was not that exciting, why did I title this blog with shouts of partying, you might ask? Well, that is because my friend Patricia will be moving up here in about a month. She is one of those people that can talk to anyone at any time. I don't have that gift. I'm jealous! She was up here the last few days looking for an apartment. She crashed on my couch. After walking around the area she wanted to live in - my neighborhood, ironically - she found an apartment that she liked. And here's the surprise, people....it's 3 doors down from mine! Yep! Big P and I will be living in the same building, on the same floor, just a few steps away from each other!

So, for those of you to whom I've offered my couch should you desire a weekend away from the grind, you now have two reasons to visit. If you haven't partied with Patricia, you are missing out! We went to our local Irish pub last night for dinner and a little R&D on the joint, and we had a blast. There was live Irish music, and we were the only ones shouting and clapping along most of the time. So we've got some work to do with the regulars there. But we're already in with the one Irish bloke (as he put it) who works there. Patricia's full-on Irish, and people think I must be with a name like "Molly". Good stuff!

I will so be there. I miss you guys. I did find an adequate Sunday brunch substitute, or at least thats what I hear, but no bar yet... Ill tell all on my blog :)
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