Wednesday, May 11, 2005


oh, the woes of my more?

I have been dying. Not literally, obviously, though at times it did feel like I was going to drown in a pool of my congestion. Lovely thought, I know! Hope you're not eating as you read this. My "allergies" kicked in a few weeks ago. I put allergies in quotes b/c I've never been diagnosed with them. But this time of year, the pollen gets to me just like it does to everyone else. This year was by far the worst for me. I think I may be truly allergic to cherry blossoms, which would be very sad b/c they are so pretty! The last few days have been the worst. The weather has been so beautiful here in the DC area, and I so want to go outside and enjoy it. But I'm scared to. My nose is mad at me now, and I'd like it to calm down and not be so red come Friday so I don't look like Rudolph at the bars. But's a miracle! I've used one Kleenex at work today. I went through almost a whole box yesterday alone. I feel like I can be seen in polite society now! Knock on wood....

Woo hoo :) Good news!

When I first read the name of that post I thought maybe your sense of smell had come back and you hadnt told me... while I wish that was it I would have killed you if that was how I found out!!!
So true. I'm from Conn. originally and it's much worse down here, it seems. Regards
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