Tuesday, September 27, 2005


bibles & brewskies & the bunnyhop

Well, at least the option. I didn't partake.... of the beer, that is. Last night I attended a very interesting Bible study. The first part was a Bible study, anyway. We all met up at this warehouse bar - very cool joint that is unfortunately located no where close to anything - and ordered from the $2.95 Monday night bar menu. My friend Anna and I were a bit late as we hit some "I'm from Virginia so I have no idea what to do because it's raining!" traffic, but we caught the majority of the Bible study. It was very interesting. We talked about the origin of evil, but not in a heavy "I'm going to hell" sort of way. A lot of people were engaged in the discussion. I enjoyed it. And the wings weren't bad, either. Especially for $2.95!

After the Bible study, we all headed downstairs for the second half of the evening - dance lessons. Yep, you heard me right the first time - dance lessons. I had my first swing dance lesson last night. West Coast Swing, to be precise. To me, it seemed like a cross between East Coast Swing and Country. When we were just learning the steps, I had no problem, but when we first started with the music, I kept trying to two-step. My poor partners! But I got it down. I got in a little trouble with the teacher, though. She was calling out the different moves we were supposed to do so that we could stay together and she could watch our progress, and my partner and I were doing the wrong ones, and then we couldn't get back in with the group, so we just started doing our own thing. She had her eye on me the rest of the time. She had us rotate through partners, and it was as if I was contagious - no matter who I danced with, we always got the moves mixed up. I was the black sheep!

Finally, the lesson was over, and they just played music for us to dance to. They mixed in swing music with salsa and other types. They played a lot of salsa. I'd been waiting for this all night. See, being that I'm from Texas, I've been exposed to a lot more salsa dancing than swing dancing. My old roommate and I used to go to a salsa club in Austin where more than half of the men didn't even speak English, and they'd grab you and spin you around on the dance floor before you even had a chance to find a table and set your purse down. I was pretty rusty last night, but Anna and I vowed to find a good salsa club somewhere in DC to go to. I even met a cute partner last night. But we'll save that for another blog. :)

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