Thursday, September 01, 2005


Odd Dreams

I've been meeting some new people recently. I've liked them all, and I'd like to think that all are becoming actual friends, not just acquaintances. In my life, I know when someone has become a friend because they start appearing in my weird dreams. So one of the people I've started hanging out with is officially a friend, because last night, he was in a weird dream with me. All I remember is that we were riding around on a moped or a small motorcycle (can't remember which, or why it was either, as neither of us drive one or the other) in the parking garage at his apartment. We were looking for a parking space, but for some reason, we were trying to park in a visitor's spot, so it must have been my moped/bike. Every time we pulled into a "visitor" spot, though, it automatically changed to a "resident" spot, so we had to back out and try again. This just kept repeating, so the whole dream was us pulling into and out of parking spots. Weird. He's officially a friend now, though, which is good to know, I guess.

Well, while it does intrigue me when people get Freudian on me, it usually eventually freaks me out, thus leading to another weird dream. So now I'm torn.... And you do know this friend, by the way. Got you wondering, don't I. :)
I am so confused from reading these comments...

Yay for new friends though :) I get the feeling Ill be making a lot of them when I get back to Norfolk...
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