Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Resumes and Shards of Glass

Is anyone out there really good at writing resumes? If you are, please contact me. Or if you're just good at spinning webs of bull, let me know. I'm trying to update my resume so that I can send it out and hopefully find a new job, but I find the thought of crashing my forehead through my computer monitor much more satisfying than putting my daily work activities into words that make me sound good to future employers. (Maybe if I had any daily work activities that didn't involve this blog or Yahoo games, my computer monitor would remain intact.) Argh! Where's Shakespeare when you need him?!

Um, yeah, how did Dusty get my number? Did Colin give it to him? Tell me, tell me!
This has nothing to do with my resume. Stick to the subject matter, please! And no, Colin didn't give it to Dusty. He did give it to Snapper way back when, though. You didn't get any of this from me. You might make sure Papa didn't give it to Renee. Colin mentioned that theory.
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